Saturday, March 26, 2011

Blog 10: Reflexion on Skills

What do you think you have learned in terms of writing skills?

Every single class of my writing course was really useful, since the annotation which helps me a lot when I was creating the blog 8, to summarize the ideas of the article that I was looking for, and identify the claim and thesis are great strategies to use at writing time. “The Allegory of the cave” was a excellent, interesting, and useful method to makes me think deeply in what could be the other authors point of view. I really really like to do that; find the hidden meaning of the story or situation. Actually I felt that I learn a lot, but also I feel that I need much more, that it’s not enough.

What proves that you have learned what you say you have learned?
My blogs proves if I learned or I don’t. I’m aware that I need to learn too much more, also that I constantly make many mistakes especially in grammar, that I try to fix, but I found so hard fight to a foreign language. I find so productive the class, because while I´m receiving the information about how could be a good writer, I’m fighting whit my number one enemy “the grammar mistakes”

What of the material we have covered is still unclear or confuses you? 
I think the class is completely clear, the materials, pages, blogs, teacher, homework, explanations, exercises.  Just sometimes the vocabulary used in some articles at reading time confuses me a little bit, but I’m aware that I should learn it to use them later.

Would you say that overall you feel more confident about your understanding of basic writing skills, less confident, or about the same as when we started class?

Seriously now I feel that I’m improving my writing skills, I know that the grammas is killing me most of the time, but the idea of how to prepare a composition I think I already got it. (I hope so; the last word belongs to Dr. X.) What makes me feel this way?  Because now I´m feeling more comfortable at writing time.

Anything else I should know about?
Yes, that you are the best teacher I ever had. Thank you so much for be so patient with me. And please be completely honest and sincere about my works. :D 

1 comment:

  1. Very honest and useful self-assessment! It helps me help you. :-)
