Monday, March 21, 2011

Blog 6: Things I don't believe any more

Santa Claus, which is "The Baby God" as we named him in Colombia: I used to think that he came at christmas night with all present that I wished because of my great behavior during the entire past year, but then I knew that "The Baby God" was my parents. although now I new the truth I still receive my presents on Christmas from my parents in name of "The Baby God".

"El Coco", Is the other name of "the devil", which my mother said that would appeared if I do something wrong, such lie, steal, and so on. and I felt so scare all the time trying to do always the right things and be a good girl. Later I hear my grandmother telling to me mother, that stop telling me that kind of thing because later it would cause disorders in my life.

Tooth Fairy, which in Colombia is "El Raton Perez"  the belief is to put the tooth under the pillow and the mouse pick the tooth and later he will bring to you another most beautiful. "WITHOUT MONEY" I think the mouse who picked the teeth in my family was stingy and he still remains so; now here in USA I heard almost the same story but with money instead to another tooth most beautiful, now I'm feeling stolen by this cheap mouse. Well now seriously I knew that was just a fantasy because I couldn´t believe that a mouse could grow something in my mouth without me noticing, so I told that to my mom and she laughed of me and told me the truth, but she added saying that the only way that I could get beautiful teeth was eating the soups which I didn´t like and keep them very clean. which in few words is the truth.

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