Sunday, March 20, 2011

Blog 4: "HYPE" Longer

Every single place where the human eye can reach it’s being invaded by at least one commercial ad becoming as a prevalent mental pollutant and saturating the human brain of information, which in many cases isn't relevant. It’s what Kalle Lasn made reference in the article “HYPE”. Arguing that commercials are pulling unnecessary information into North America’s mind, that actually has no importance. If we look at the amount of marketing messages perceived daily we could be surprise and notice how absurd it is becoming. An estimated of 12 billion of ads we perceive daily and stifle our mind, via radio, TV, interactive screens, billboards and so on.
It is usual prepare a vacation plan where we can relax and be a part of the technology for some days, but on the way we find many billboards which are inviting us to enroll in a cell phone company, or telling us that now we can buy almost everything online, pay facilities from your cell phone via internet, get some discounts on computers or electronics in a specific store, and so forth. At the end of the day we ended up feeling the necessity to use even the cell phone or at least the radio changing the purpose of the trip, as if there was a subliminal message hidden in the ads. it's completely true that marketing is really important for business and for us too, and we cannot change it, but is also true that we have to start thinking in how ridiculous is this situation and give the correct relevance to the real important things which is the peace of mind, suggesting to businesses just think on give space and place to peace with appropriate billboards in calm places.
In the article Kalle Lasn cites that “the silent moments of my life, I often used to hear Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony play in my head. Now I hear that kid singing Oscar Meyer winner song”. The big difference between the times she cited and now is the technology advances. The world is changing day by day, and we’re constantly contributing with these changes with TV, radio, internet and so on, which are important tools on our lifestyle that we wouldn’t be willing to leave, even for our health. But we can use the conscience to create other solutions instead to be part of the pollution with criticism without action. We can start at home giving the appropriate use to time for ourselves more than TV shows, to find more silent moments than spent hours in the internet. All of this could be suggestions to find exits of the toxic pollutants while there is a general solution that will benefit everybody in the world.


  1. There is a summary that correctly stated by her own words. No unimportant ideas excluded and no personal opinions. Somehow, I could not find the thesis.

    The body parts did not have clear arguments(significant idea, topic sentence). If put some her own experiences or examples well be better.The conclusion did not rephrase her thesis. The author had few grammar problems.

    The author understood what she had read.

  2. The good thing is that the main idea is made

    The problem is you should put summary in second paragraph (you are starting to do it in first and continue in second paragraph). There is no personal opinion about it whole situation and the solutions are not so clear.

    For sure you have to make first paragraph what do you think about idea than second should be a summary and then you can put a conclusion as a third what your solution is about the problem, you should work a little bit on grammar too
