Friday, March 25, 2011

Blog 8: Paragraphing "I know the truth, so don't bother me with facts"

According with the article "I know the truth, so don't bother me with facts" of Jeffrey Kluger. People are being tricked about the truth, and sometimes they know it, but they decided to ignore it. And I’m completely agreed with him, because humans are constantly believing in rumors and lies, are not paying attention to the contradictory evidence or facts, and don’t accept being called wrong. They are giving to unscrupulous liars the big opportunity to play with their feelings.

Rumors of lies are the main reason of the fakes. Regularly, people believe in it because that lies has logical arguments and are really organized with too much time invested calculating how to convince naive people to believe and defend their criterion. In some aspects of the life’s people are being tricked such as economics, religious, political, cultural. But I want to make reference to the economic, because it’s not strange see somebody who we knows or on TV programs different situations respect to the issue. As an illustration I´m going to present a situation in when people is constantly deceived most commonly in underdeveloped countries, and I´m talking about the  clandestine lottery, which the seller offers better prizes to players than the legal’s one; and people due to their money necessities, or just anxiety of win, spend their money in this kind of business which at the end the seller just disappear, and the naive who was looking for solve some economic problems, just find another problem trying to recovered the lost money.

Despite to whatever contradictory evidence could be found in the arguments of the lie, people is willing to look for another reason which will justify the negative fact because of the magnitude of their beliefs, that is already ingrained in people´s mind. In many cases, the same people ended believing again in the same kind of tricks, because it has other arguments most logical and secure than the first one. As it could be happen in the example above of the lottery. Everybody is free to select the better way to live; or in what kind of thing put their trust, but when the fraud is obvious and people is trying to avoid the true is when the society denies the possibility of letting them continue to believe blindly on it and starts acting. That´s why Isn´t strange find some TV commercials which warns everybody fall back in fraud. But humans are like the insects than more we take them out of the house more they want to be in there.

People usually stick to biases more strongly, and simple obstinacy is one of many other reasons of why people end doing once and again the same nonsense several times. and I takes again the example above as reference of this stubbornness, there is not logical reason that people do not accept to be called wrong, it could be ego or arrogance, but the result would be the same; they still believing in lies because it is their free decision.

Even though the obvious facts of lies are in front of the humans eyes as a big billboard, people will still believing and supporting their own ideas and beliefs’, and with obstinacy giving the less appropriated answer to others "I know the truth, so don't bother me with facts".

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