Sunday, April 10, 2011

Blog 11: The Perfect World versus the Real World

        Some people wake up in the morning expecting changes which change their lives. And another people just fight day by day with the reality which carry with it problems, sadness, happiness, suffering and so forth, but all of that are unpredictable situations which make the life a game that everyone learned to play in their own better ways. But when the game is not controlling for us that world become a disappointed reality as happened in the movie The Truman Show, with the supposed perfect world created by Cristoff which in the movie is the director of the biggest reality TV show ever.       
That perfect world was a huge lie, which consisted in an artificial town in a huge TV set, where Cristoff shows Truman as a perfect kind of human in a perfect society, with perfect neighbors, friends, wife and so on. Cristoff was presenting to the real world how the entire society should be, with white, beautiful, helpful, friendly people, available for each other all the time, in a clean town, pacific, without homeless, without poor people, with spectacular sunshine. Really far of the reality, everything created to deceive Truman, and achieve audiences’ increases and the biggest popularity of the reality show. Everything for Cristoff's convenience who banned to people let to Truman know the truth because could be affected his projects and ideals. Maybe there are somebody who could choose to live in that world, without risks that will teaches the important things of the life, without their own domain of the different situations since the most simply like make a phone call, to the complex ones like get married with the right person, in a completely fraudulent world which the danger isn't relevant, when the truth is that the real and unexpected life doesn't exist, but at the end, all people who maybe could wish to live in this perfect world someday will wake up in the morning as Truman expecting much more of their lives and hoping run away of all this illusions of perfection to experiment the risks to live looking for real world, actually I wouldn’t like to live in a Cristoff’s world, I prefer to face the reality with the weapons that the experience of real life are giving me every day.
Even that perfect or unreal world isn't my choice to live, I have to admit that our society in contrast with the Cristoff's is dangerous caused for the risks taken, such as the huge percentage of violence around the world or just the lie habit as the own Cristoff was doing to Truman. Some people in the world doesn't live in harmony in their same family, neighborhood, company, and so on, becoming this in another reason of the sad reality on our society, but also I have to mention that not everything is wrong, our society has many lovely people with great attitude every day, with the arms wide open to help others, with dreams of a better lifestyle for everybody, there are many people against with the lies, deceives, abuse, unfairness, and many other kind of wrong behaviors and focused on find methods to fix it forever, or at least for minimize the peoples insensibility.
Cristoff was trying to persuade Truman when he knew the truth, saying that there is no difference between the town and the entire world. In the town he will find the same kind of situations that outside, with the difference of the danger which he won't experience in their town if he remains there, trying to eliminate for Truman the desire of explores the yearning to fly free from place to place knowing new people and find his love which was Sylvia. that behaviors  wasn't fare because everyone is entitled to be happy and look by his own the possibility to find their own future.
 Truman is an example of life, despite the overprotected situations on him his attitude was always the best, without anger and bad mood. The last part of the movie when he knew the truth could be the correct moment to be anger because of the disappointed, but he just bowed with a smile to the audience as an actor at the end of the act and walk away to live his own real life. Is great when we can realize that and anybody should intervene in the decisions make in our life, the difference we make it ourselves taking care of our own enrichment of consciousness, which is something that every single person has the obligation to find by their own, defending their points with attitude that is the first step to succeed as Truman did at the end of the movie. The option to leave our minds in the air or in the real knowledge of the truth is just our own decision, which means that must be respected as the idea to live by ourselves, too.

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