Saturday, May 21, 2011

Blog 22: The Story Of Stuff

Annie Leonard: "According to those exploiting the planet's resources to make stuff, the people living in the countries with the resources do not have value because they don’t own the resources even if they’ve been living there for generations, they don’t own the means of production, and they’re not buying a lot of stuff  

Who/What is responsible for this reality?
The responsible of the reality are consumers, which mean us, the people who support these damages.
Who/What benefits from it?
The only benefited from this abuses against the environment are the governments and corporations, who takes advantages of people using them in their factories with low wages and highly exposition to contamination'.The main reason of the benefactors of these sad situations is to obtain profit through product that is covertly killing us.  

b.      Who/What suffers because of it?
Which suffer most from this abuse is our beautiful planet; the 80% of the world has been disappeared because of their necessity to produce new stuff to sale. And of course the other victim of this abuse is people, most exactly the poorest who don’t have another option to survive than work for those exploitations even against their liking.

c.       Is this reality necessary?
How could be necessary to kill ourselves? Of course is not necessary, we can live without all that electronic stuffs, without all of the innumerable products are the markets. If we turn the view fifty years back, we can see how people lived happy with their families, with one, two or three option in the market to consume, and actually, that generation was healthier than ours. That’s the proof that we can survive without this all unnecessary consumerism.

d.      Is it right? 
The above answers respond for me this question. This isn’t right, why? Even though we now do not pay a lot attention of the consequences of these disgusting events, we are now feeling the changes in the environment, in our health and all of these new lifestyle, that affects everyone even if someone don’t wants to be enroll.  

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