Friday, May 13, 2011

Blog 18: Summarizing and Responding to "Where the Whale be At?"

How come American people in general, announced the end of the segregation race on 1965, if we still living in it? The only think that is different is the law, but the situations in most of the cases is kind similar of those days. Every single fact presented by Terry J. Cole in the article “Where the Whale Be At?: The Place of Race & Racism in the Discussion of Environment” confirmed it. As an example, one of the facts he cites is “over 870000 of 1.9 million housing units for the poor sit within a mile of factories that reported toxic emission to the environment protection agency”. Isn’t the government that provides them? Is a disgusting reality, and even more for colored people how live day after day the unpleasant situation of be excluded of the society.
But something that causes me anger was to know that not only the exterior society such as people in street, subway and so on, is who are taking out them. The real and important discriminators are the public entities like hospitals that according with Cole facts “People of Color usually receive outdated or less aggressive treatment for medical disorders than Whites” and worse, “black males who suffer a stroke or cancer have a 95% greater chance of dying than white”. This is horrible; we went back to the Jim Crow law? Or it was just a lie camouflaged? Effectively, we need to create a real conscious with these situations, even if you we are black or white, it has to stop. Because the most affected are the children who grow in an oppressed situation and through the time that anger will be reflected in their violent attitude, and the vicious cycle begins again without end.
Every paragraph of this article has facts to reflect that sad reality and create to the reader an unpleasant feeling of frustrations and powerlessness about the injustice done with them. And it’s not a pleasant topic to extend this response. Why? Because this is an issue that not everybody wants to talk, this is a reality that we found uncomfortable to process, now. Can we imagine about how could be the feeling of the colored people who have to live it every day? Think about it, and give to yourself the task of searching for a solution that even if small, may help end this ridiculous discrimination that offends everyone. 

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