Friday, May 13, 2011

Blog 19: In Defense of Food

The first recommendation of this passage reminded me of my great grandmother (God rest her soul). Almost ten years ago. When she stayed at dawn in my home for several days, and she started scolding me because my breakfast was Kellogg’s Corn flakes instead of eggs, corn cake, bread and hot chocolate, and so on. This was her regular breakfast every day. She felt really disappointed because the cereal was sweet and according with her beliefs, it will cause me diabetes in less than two years. I loved my grandma, but I hated when she started with her argues early in the morning. But later looking by internet, and according to some nutrition books in school, recommendations on TV and doctors in my medical appointments, makes me think that she wasn’t so far from reality. Well maybe I will not get diabetes in two years, but is true that cereal isn’t a best option to implement in my daily diet. Michael Pollan in this passage convinces me once again that my great grandmother was right. And I can deduct that these new kind of nutrition are not exactly what my body needs to enforce with the real nutrition process.

The enormous quantity of unpronounceable and unknown ingredients that a single product contains to achieve a specific taste is very common, and as Pollan says, “These characteristics are necessarily harmful in and of themselves, but the food have been highly processed”. So, People including me, need to be aware of that, because now we know that processed food is not a good option to get the appropriated nutrition. Therefore, products that contain strange ingredients over time become toxic to our body; even though, of how reliable it could be from markets or ads, we need to exclude them from our diet. So, What is the reason of many advertisements about implement organic products in market? Well. Is nothing else than make us realize that we need to reduce the possibility to consume strange substances that the body will reject and react in a unfavorable way through the time, for example the canned food in general is created to make easy and faster the possibility to prepare a meals, and for many people it has a better taste than the natural one. It could be true, but what about with all of those weird ingredients that contain to perceive them for most than one year? Is it favorable to insert them to our body through their consumption? The answer isn’t positive, or at least is what I heard from the Colombian news the last year. In health section a doctor shows a higher probability to get cancer because cans come in contact with fluids, salts and acids themselves of foods that contain, and that produces oxidation and chemical reactions that release toxic substances.
So isn’t a good idea to play games with our nutrition. And we can start using some of the suggestions that Pollan cite in the passage like be out of the supermarket whenever possible and try to frequent and shop in farmer markets which probably will offer natural products, with their expected nutritional content, and not food harvested long ago and far away. Eat mostly plants, especially leaves is a healthful suggestion to implement a vegetarian diet in our daily eating option. 

Actually I cannot find a better conclusion that citing the last suggestion that Pollan presents in this passage which is to “plant a garden. Eat complete meals, at a table, if possible not alone. Eat slowly”. Those once again are the grandma recommendations for a good alimentation, nutrition, digestion, and respect for bodies. And it was something she was taking seriously, which even had an orange tree planted in the backyard. And we had specific hours to eat together, and quietly. And I’m sure that not only my grandma was like that. I can ensure that most of grandparents take really serious the idea of health, and many parents still keeping those habits and remain support the idea of the harvest or at least shop nutrition directly in the farmer markets to serve health to their family and do not kill them slowly with fast-food.

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