Friday, May 13, 2011

Blog 20 Reflection on Food unit

Some of the principals’ things we do in school are to enrich our knowledge. And not only in a specific major, our health and bad eating habits are also a great issues to learn. That’s why I found this unit so interesting.
To realize about the way I’m treating my body and how far of the reality I was about fast food; is something that I thanks to Dr. X., because it was becoming part of my regular diet. And since we start talking about hamburgers I stop visiting McDonalds, although I admit that sometimes I feel a desire to go back again, but at least I’m trying to expulse that kind of food of my constant diet. ;D. So, This unit teach me something valuable forever. Actually I already gave some recommendations to my cousin about it and about the water, too.   
About my writing ability I can’t say much, because I walking so slow in the track, but at least I’m not stopping my steps, although sometimes I feel that the easier thing is give up, I don’t have it as an option.
My CAT #3 wasn’t good, maybe because I came late and I didn’t have enough time, or maybe because I still using the wrong way to write, or maybe both. So in the last blogs most exactly 19, I started using a little different way. well I used that way since half of blog 17 to blog 20, but I focus my "new way" in 19. Perhaps this is kind similar and anybody can notice the difference, but actually I feel that it was ME who was writhing that blog. I don’t know if that way is right, maybe not, but at least I get the chance to try it.    
In the last unit, I didn’t write Blog 13 Rewrite CAT #1, and I have two reasons of why, first I didn’t have enough time because that week I started working and I was exhausted. And second I found really really difficult to find another kind of examples, ideas, and to write it in a different way. I don’t know if the reason was that I was too tired to even think about it, or I found the topic particularly difficult to do it again. Somebody in the classroom told me that I can write blog 13 and I will get the credit for that, actually I didn’t heard about it, so, I don’t believe it, but I will do it, not for the credit, but as a practice that I knows that I need really urgent.
Well, as a conclusion I don’t have something different to say than thanks to Dr. X for that helpful unit that I found interesting and productive. Actually I’m a person who don’t forget a suggestion if it is referent of my health or my life. But you miss something… the gastronomic show as an example of good food” but don’t worry it’s not late hahaha… :D

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the useful reflection-- I will take an especially careful look at Blog 19. I wish you had said something about how the topics in the Food Unit connect to the rest of the texts and the topic of the class, however.

    AND: Yay! One less McDonald's victim. You have no idea how happy it makes me that at least this part of our class has helped you live a little better. :-)
