Friday, April 22, 2011

Blog 14: Reflection of Media Unit

I find the media unit enjoyable. Watch the movies and find another point of view are interesting, although it wasn’t easy, I have to say that is a good method to help us to think deeply and not just watch the movie from the surface.  I confess that I did not like the kind of movies of Matrix. When I saw it a few years ago I felt bored because I couldn’t understood the real meaning, but now because of the hidden meaning that it has, I felt anxiety to watch the other two movies and give them the kind of interpretation that Dr. X shows as in class.
Actually I feel that I was better at the beginning at the course, because I could interpret easily the topic we discuss in class, and now I feel that I’m like in the clouds, maybe is because of the kind of subject was a little hard to catch  at the first time. About the writing I feel that I’m better, even though I still fighting with my big enemy “grammar” I hope that my writing advance would be true and not just my view. The strategy summarize and response that Dr. X gave in class as a suggestion for the CATs, was so useful to me, I used it in the CAT # 2 and it gave me better results, that in the first one. I hope so. At least it help me to develop my ideas faster.
The exercises we do in class, such as groups, the google docs, find the claim, reasons and evidences on the responses, summarize, annotate are like useful weapons that Dr. X put in my hands to enforce, polish and use in my successful future. I know that I need to enhance a lot, but I also know that I improved since I started in La Guardia. The English language is the big nearest challenge I put in my life to start opening doors and achieve my goals, and I feel that I’m walking in the right way.
Writing is painful, but I’m aware that is one of the most essential skills that people needs to succeed, so I’m able to learn whatever would help me to reach my goals, and I’m a little more comfortable writing than before, which means that this simple methods are working as weapons, as I said before, which will help me to succeed, killing my fears, limitations and frustrations the English create on me.    

1 comment:

  1. Interesting war metaphors! I guess it is a kind of battle to get your thoughts down...

    I do agree with you that your writing has improved much, and yes, we need to work on that grammar.
