· * Responding to Genetic Engineering
Genetic engineering is turning the world into an artificial and forced unhealthy life process. Because of the majority of the products that people use to consume everyday are altered for business convenience. The chemicals used are damaging the environment and health. And people are altering the normal animal and vegetative process hurting people’s health and passing over animals rights.
According to the Generic engineering (GE) issue in www.sustainabletable.org, GE is the process of transferring specific traits, or genes, from one organism into a different plant or animal, called transgenic or genetically modifies organism (GMO). This is implanted into the products we use to consume regularly, such as eggs, vegetables, milk, meat, and so forth, at growing time making them grow fast and accelerate the commercialization.
Genetic engineering is helping to the world damages through the chemicals used to preserve the product for the plague. Pesticides and/or herbicides are created to protect the plants and animals of the disease which could cause some damage of them. The problem is that the chemicals are harmful to a 100% natural product, even thought they also use that chemicals to preserve their correct grow, the engineered products require much more quantity of that to reach their good fast cycle, causing serious environment pollutions and health problems due to the higher levels of toxins through consumption.
Also, genetic engineering are altering the correct vegetative and animal grow process, and their natural characteristics injecting them genes of one animal or plant to a different one to accelerate that process and obtain the results that are not natural, as an example given in the article “scientists in Taiwan have a succeeded at inserting jellyfish into pigs in order to make them glow in the dark” and another one is “scientists at the University of Illinois inserted cow genes into female pigs in order to increase their milk production” Is ridiculous the manner of people are trying to infer in the life, passing over the natural process, not only of animals or plants, also the humans life, because our health are being severely affected with that chemicals, that are causing serious illness like cancer, congenital malformations, liver necrosis, and many more, because of this businesses necessity of domain the world.
Even though that products are created for human satisfaction and every single person consume it; this is an unconscious way to grow the market and the extremely wrong way to preserve the environment, especially now that we are in alert about the conservation of the ozone layer, we can start doing something about it as a consumers, such as buy only organic products which will force the companies to create new natural market and possibilities to focus their convenience to satisfy the customer, and at the same time conserve the real animals and plants natural process and improve our quality of life.
* The Meatrix
* The Meatrix
In the Meatrix, Leo is a pig who is trapped in an illusion world of a family farm with excellent life conditions and is interrupted for Moopheus. Who gave to him the choice to take the blue pill and remain in that fantasy, or take the red pill and know the truth. Leo decides to leave that fantasy and put his paws in the reality. What he saw was disgusting and sad. Then Moopheus starts showing him the reality, of how factory farm corporations took the control upon the animals injecting antibiotics and abusing of them for their convenience. But he always says that is a resistance, and shows him the rest of the group, who will fight with him on this war. Moopheus finished the first video telling to the consumers that we have the real power and recommend us to stop supporting the factory farmer machines.
* The Meatrix "Revolting
* The Meatrix "Revolting
In the second video “The meatrix: Revolting”. Moopheus took Leo to the ship and is explaining to him that people is now waking up their eyes and start buying organic products, but the sad reality of Meatrix continuous. Here is the moment when Moopheus and Chikity says Leo that he is the One, and they start exploring Meatrix. Leo feels fascinating with the illusion of the dairy farms, so Moopheus shows the reality again which isn't good. Is a horrible place with the worst conditions of life, and a lot abuse of the cows, also appeared the agents that are who injects cows antibiotics to make them grow up fast and rises the amount of milk even though the disrepair of them. Also shows the calf fed for machines since birth, and part of the fed is blood of death cows creating mad cows diseases just for profit. Leo felts disappointed and start fighting with the agents, then he discover that he is the one when he stopped syringes that agents shot. Finally the agents trap Moopheus. Leo decides rescue him and leave consumers in charge to shot down the factory farms corporations suggesting us buy our dairy in small farms and terminate with this animal abuse.
* The Meatrix II 1/2
* The Meatrix II 1/2
At the beginning is a recount of the two past videos and to give to the viewer an idea of what happened before. Then Leo and chikity arrive to the place where Moopheus was taken for the agents. Which is a factory that process great quantity of cows meat daily for fast food market, with none sanitary precautions, and without care about safety of their employees, just for profit. When Moopheous trying to tell to the agent that his procedures are completely wrong he doesn’t pay attention to that comments and throw him to a hook directly to the blades. But he never though that he will also going to be there because of the intromission of Leo and Chikity. At the end they start fighting in the hooks, and Moopheus is released and the agent is directed to the blades. This short video is trying to make us create awareness of where our consumption products come from. And is showing us a possible reality that we pretend to ignore.